Hi Jeremy,

Jeremy Murphy wrote:
Hi there,

a year or so ago I brought up (I can't remember exactly with who or where) the possibility of contributing a concave hull algorithm and the good news is that I'm close to convincing my work to open-source an implementation I wrote.

To justify additional effort in preparing the code for release, they (senior leads) want to confirm that other people actually want it. I think that's hard for other people to give without seeing the actual code, but what I'm hoping for from the maintainers is just a non-binding "yes" that, in principle, you would be interested in an implementation of the concave hull algorithm described in the following paper:


There would be no obligation for you to accept or take custody of the code (obviously), they just want to know that we're not wasting our time preparing it. I originally wrote it with contribution in mind, so I really just need to do some polishing, make it respectable, etc.

I personally think that every contribution is welcome. There is no concave_hull() algorithm in Boost.Geometry and I think it would be a valuable addition. So it's a "yes" from me.
Barend, what do you think?
Are there any users which would find this addition welcome?

You probably already know this but just in case. We use certain conventions at Boost.Geometry. Every algorithm is divided into two parts, geometry-specific algorithm part dispatched by geometry tag and coordinate-system-specific strategies. In the case of convex_hull() the algorithm simply calls strategy which does everything. So I suppose it could be the same in this case.

As a part of your implementation have you used convex hull algorithm implemented in Boost.Geometry or have you implemented your own?
