
Bluespider Via Geometry wrote:
Hi I'm not new to boost but am new to boost geometry. 
I have been using the dissolve functionality to process degenerate polygons.
By degenerate I mean that these polygons usually have some self
intersections and that the objective of processing here is to create a
bounding polygon. All self intersections will be internal. Let me explain...
A poly line is the starting point and in my application this is the route of
a submarine cable or pipeline. We from that route we want to create a
polygon which surrounds a section of the route. In other words the polygon
is first created by running down the left and right sides of the route and
taking the perpendicular position offset by a fixed amount from each
waypoint. On close (smaller than half the corridor width) pairs of turns of
the route the side with the smaller angle can be left with a self

It's hard to imagine what's happening from the description. I don't fully understand the algorithm but assuming you want to find a bounding polygon (without holes) enclosing a fragment of polyline or some other set of points could convex_hull() be useful to you instead of dissolve()?

Now with the same starting route line (several thousand points) and certain
distances for the corridor width I can successfully use
boost:geometry:dissolve and create a perfect result. One that I can then
reduce down to a polygon with fewer vertices in order to then use it in a
geospatial query. BUT often I instead end up with an empty output polygon or
a list of one or more tiny polygons. The main bulk of the area of interest
is then lost completely. Changing the corridor width by a tiny tiny fraction
can mean the difference between success and failure and it may have
something to do with the total number of self intersections but that's the
only clue I have right now. I did find one case where scaling the values of
the input coordinates made a difference to the results but it was still a
degenerate result.

dissolve() is not officially released AFAIU becasue it's not ready yet so it's not a surprise that it may generate invalid results.
If you found a case when it fails you could report it at GitHub (https://github.com/boostorg/geometry/issues).

I understand from the source that there is a Strategy template argument but
don't understand its possible use here although it looks like it could
perhaps determine a winding policy.

Strategies are used to define coordinate-system specific behavior of an algorithm. If you found a case which fails when it should not in a given coordinate system the Strategy will probably not help, unless there is some bug in the default cartesian strategy which is used in your case. However then this bug should rather be fixed in the strategy itself. But I doubt passing different strategy would improve the results of dissolve(). It is in the extensions and it doesn't work flawlessly so my guess is that this is a bug in the algorithm.

And btw the strategy which is expected is segments intersection strategy, so one of these:

See accordingly:

The last one allows you to choose geographic formulas (accuracy v.s. speed) and pass specific spheroid model (in case you wanted to use something different than WGS84).

Right now I'm struggling with lack of documentation here and also I'm using
Microsoft compiler which doesn't help much when debugging template sources.
Does anyone have an example of using dissolve with strategy or can suggest
any other docs?
Since it's a part of the extensions it's not documented indeed.
The only places I know where examples of dissolve() can be found is Berend's blog:
and tests:
But the latter is as simple as you'd expect. The algorithm has the same interface as any 1-argument mutable operation for polygons. It takes polygon and returns multi_polygon as output argument.

See also: https://github.com/boostorg/geometry/blob/develop/include/boost/geometry/extensions/algorithms/dissolve.hpp#L544

Having already abandoned use of boost::geometry::simplify (ironically due to
compile errors) and instead rolling my own Douglas-Puecker I find using
boost::geometry to be rather time consuming and life is too short for that. 

AFAIU simplify() is well documented: https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_70_0/libs/geometry/doc/html/geometry/reference/algorithms/simplify/simplify_3.html
What problems have you experienced?

Also of interest is the CoordinateSystem template arg to
boost::geometry::model::point and a discussion regarding this could be
useful. My data is actually geospatial of course so for some algorithms non
cartesian calculations could be a great benefit but although I can see that
there could be some support for this I have nothing much to help get
CoordinateSystem is used in algorithms to automatically instantiate the default coordinate-system-specific Strategy. So indeed, if your segments are long or segments may cross antimeridian (meridian of longitude 180deg), cartesian coordinate system could be not accurate enough for you or not work correctly. If that was the case you could use e.g. bg::spherical_equatorial<bg::degree>. The results would be more accurate but the algorithms would be slower.
