On 14 April 2016 at 15:37, Frank Winter <fwinter@jlab.org> wrote:

and still, I get basically the same error message:

/home/fwinter/src/boost_1_60_0/boost/proto/context/default.hpp:121:41: error: no match for ‘operator+’ (operand types are ‘Vector10’ and ‘Vector10’)
         BOOST_PROTO_BINARY_DEFAULT_EVAL(+, proto::tag::plus, make, make)

It's weird since the operator+ should be there for Vector, and since I am importing the namespace VectorOps, it should work for derived classes. I don't see why it's not working.

A recent enough compiler should tell you which candidates it tried and why they were removed due to SFINAE.
I don't have the time to try out your code at the moment but I recommend you try to take a look at this.