Linux version 2.6.24-27-generic (buildd@crested) (gcc version 4.2.4 (Ubuntu 4.2.4-1ubuntu3)) x64

intensive usage of boost::timed_mutex::scoped_lock from many threads with the same timed_mutex results in segmentation fault. Sample code is attached. It catches SIGSEGV signal in about 5-10 secs of normal operation and prints stack traces.

Stack traces show:

#5  <signal handler called>

#6  0x00007f85f405e244 in __lll_timedlock_wait () from /lib/

#7  0x00007f85f405a9ac in _L_timedlock_161 () from /lib/

#8  0x00007f85f405a230 in pthread_mutex_timedlock () from /lib/

#9  0x0000000000403fdf in thread_func ()


What’s the problem and how to resolve it?


Thank you,
