On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 11:47 PM, Vicente J. Botet Escriba <vicente.botet@wanadoo.fr> wrote:
Le 07/01/13 20:32, Fredrik Orderud a écrit :

The attached patch is intended as a 1st step towards separation of the "locking policy" parts from the "synchronization" parts of shared_mutex. This separation is achieved by moving state_data member checks and manipulation into new methods in state_data. The separation is currently only done for exclusive and shared locking, but I will complete the separation to also cover upgrade locking if there is consensus that this is a good strategy. state_data can then be encapsulated with all data members private.

Advantages of the separation:
* Simplify implementation of different locking prioritization policies: Only requires reimplementation of state_data, with (hopefully) no changes to the outer shared_mutex class.
* Simplify implementation of "lock-free" synchronization (as in win32 counterpart): Can be done in shared_mutex without touching the "locking policy" logic in state_data.

Any comments or feedback will be highly appreciated.

Thanks Fredrik for the patch. I think It goes on the good direction. Do you mind to finish the upgrade part before I apply it?

Attached is an updated patch that also updates the upgrade part. All boost::thread unit-tests still pass, and I think the changes makes shared_mutex easier to understand.

On first sight, it might appear like some of the upgrade-related methods becomes less efficient due to state_data members being modified several times redundantly (e.g. in try_unlock_shared_and_lock_upgrade), but that is something the compiler should be able to optimize away. Also, I might have introduced a slight change in behavior in unlock_upgrade_and_lock, due to state.upgrade now being reset before upgrade_cond.wait(lk) (as opposed to before), but my impression is that it shouldn't matter.

Please review the patch, and let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks in advance,