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From: Ed Brey (brey_at_[hidden])
Date: 1999-06-30 10:13:54

Email seemed somewhat boring, until Beman Dawes wrote:
>I would like to get some feedback on two timer and one progress
>reporting class before going to the trouble of documenting them. See

There are many good features. Here are some aspects that could use
improvement, IMHO, however:

- Progress display and timers seem to be unrelated. They shouldn't
be kept in the same file.

- Hiding the implementation details for timer provides a bad tradeoff:
it requires an otherwise unnecessary heap allocation for each instantiation
of a timer. It would be better to byte the bullet and put clock_t into
the timer class.

- Add a member function or constant to allow programatic access the
time limit of the implementation before overflow occurs.

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