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From: John Maddock (John_Maddock_at_[hidden])
Date: 1999-10-06 05:54:37

Dave -

>Just a thought:
If the problem is more one of non-standard library components than of
missing language support, you could considering requiring the STLPort for
using regex++ under VC6.<

No it doesn't really help, it just changes the way in which fixes have to
be applied, I get the impression that dinkumware did their best, given the
compiler limitations, in fact I get the impression that they are deeply
frustrated with the compilers capabilities given that they usually get the
blaim for the non-standard library.

I think perhaps what I will do is create a file something like
"dirty_ugly_vc6_hacks.hpp" with the fixes and macros required for VC6
support, in the assumption that the file should either be subsumed into
config.hpp or depreciated at a later date, once boost users can see what's
involved they can choose what the ultimate fate of the file is.

- John.

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