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From: Dave Abrahams (abrahams_at_[hidden])
Date: 1999-12-03 04:34:23

> This is not a proposal for a library. It is a proposal for an
> interface (or set of "concepts" in the SGI STL meaning of the term).
> This is the interface for the graph library described in "The Generic
> Graph Component Library", OOPSLA'99 (though the interface has evolved
> since the paper was submitted). The library itself would not be

Wow, I've just been struggling with this very problem at work (all night).
I'd like to work on this sometime. Heck, I'd like to read your whole email
message ;). This is important to me.

The biggest problems I've had is that there is so much you want to abstract
that reusing the code becomes highly laborious (*lots* of associated class
definitions). I'm in a work crunch now and I have to go to sleep or I'd

More later.


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