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From: Gabriel Dos Reis (dosreis_at_[hidden])
Date: 1999-12-09 00:36:48

jsiek_at_[hidden] writes:


| > Personally, I would prefer if there were separate functions to get the
| > respective iterator, especially as C++ misses such neat assignment
| > operations as there are in perl where you can assign to a list of
| > objects at once (well, I think there was a library for this mentioned
| > somewhere; was it Boost or have seen it in news: I don't know). Is
| Yes, it was posted to Boost. I like it. Here's how it would look with
| the graph interface:
| tie(first,last) = adj(v,g);
| A dumbed-down, two argument version is trivial to implement:
| template <class A, class B>
| class Tie
| {
| public:
| Tie(A a, B b) : first(a), second(b) { }
| template <class Pair>
| Tie& operator=(const Pair& p) {
| first = p.first;
| second = p.second;
| }
| protected:
| A first;
| B second;
| };
| template <class A, class B>
| Tie<A&,B&> tie(A& a, B& b) {
| return Tie<A&,B&>(a,b);

I'm not sure if the synthetised copy-ctor is guaranted to do the right
thing here.

| }

Why not just

        template<typename A, typename b>
        class tie {
                tie(A& a, B& b) : first(a), second(b) {}
                template<typename Pair>
                tie& operator=(const Pair& p)
                        first = p.first;
                        second = p.second;

                A& first;
                B& second;

That is the constructor function-call syntax does the right thing.

-- Gaby

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