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From: Nicolai Josuttis (nicolai.josuttis_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-01-06 07:43:15

Attached is a new version of cpp2html.

Is has the following improvements:
 - comment in regular font size
 - warnings if source contains @ or tabulators
 - able to create links for system header files (e.g. handling <boost/foo.hpp>)
 - right to use it for everybody
 - no use of style sheets (see separate mail)

The system header file handling is done in the following way:
 - By passing -v HTMLPATH="boost=."
   you set the path for system header files having path boost
   to the local directory. Thus
        #include <boost/foo.hpp>
   gets a link to
 - In general, you can pass a list of such settings separated by commas
 - if no leading path and = is passed a setting for files without a path is made
 - Thus
        -v HTMLPATH="/usr/include,boost=."
        <foo.hpp> get a link to /usr/include/foo.hpp.html
        <boost/foo.hpp> get a link to ./boost.hpp.html
Cool, isn't it?

As alternative I was thinking about a full qualified mapping,
which allows even more individual mappings.
Something like
This would also allow to create links directly into source files if no
HTML version is available. But that might be something for version 1.3 ;-)

Feedback is welcome!

Nicolai M. Josuttis 
Solutions in Time        	mailto:solutions_at_[hidden]

# cpp2html.awk
# typical usage:
# awk -f cpp2html.awk -v TITLE="foo.cpp" \
# -v PREFACE="`cat HTMLHEAD`" \
# -v HTMLPATH="boost=." \
# < foo.cpp > foo.cpp.html
# good:
# - makes any local include statement such as
# #include "foo.hpp"
# a hyperlink to foo.hpp.html
# - allows to specify paths for system header files
# to create links the same way
# SYNTAX: -v HTMLPATH=<path>,<path>,<path>...
# where path is: <codepath>=<browserpath>
# For example:
# -v HTMLPATH="/usr/include,boost=."
# makes for
# <foo.hpp> a link to /usr/include/foo.hpp.html
# <boost/foo.hpp> a link to ./foo.hpp.html
# - gives comments a different color and font
# bad:
# - can't handle tabulators properly
# (expand tabulators to characters first)
# - can't process @ in code properly
# - can't process nested comments properly
# - can't process comment characters inside strings properly
# This script is written by Nicolai M. Josuttis
# mailto:solutions_at_[hidden]
# Version 1.1, 06 Jan, 2000
# Copyright 1999,2000 by Nicolai M. Josuttis.
# All rights reserved.
# Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software is hereby
# granted without fee, provided that this copyright notice appears in
# all copies and that this copyright notice appears in supporting
# documentation, and that the name of the author is not used in advertising
# or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific,
# written prior permission.
# The author makes no representations about the suitability of this software
# for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.

# - initial settings and
# - initial HTML output
# before processing each line
  # comment settings
  # COMCOL: color entry for a comment
  # COMBEG: beginning of comment (starts comment style)
  # COMEND: end of a comment (end comment style)
  COMCOL = " color=\"0000FF\" "
  COMBEG = "<I><FONT face=\"Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif\"" COMCOL ">"
  COMEND = "</FONT></I>"

  # as style sheets don't work properly with Netscape yet
  #COMBEG = "<SPAN class=\"Comment\">"
  #COMEND = "</SPAN>"

  # currently we are no in a comment
  incomment = 0

  # print heading
  # - title could be passed to awk with option "-v TITLE=..."
  print "<HTML>"
  print "<HEAD>"
  if (TITLE != "") {
      print "<TITLE>" TITLE "</TITLE>"

  # as style sheets don't work properly with Netscape yet
  #print "<STYLE type=\"text/css\">"
  #print " SPAN.Source {"
  #print " font-family: monospace;"
  #print " }"
  #print " SPAN.Comment {"
  #print " font-family: sans-serif;"
  #print " font-style: italic;"
  #print " color: blue;"
  #print " }"
  #print "</STYLE>"

  # start body (black text on white background)
  print "</HEAD>"
  print ""
  print "<BODY TEXT=\"#000000\" BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFFF\">"
  print "&nbsp;"

  # print grey title banner if title passed
  if (TITLE != "") {
      print "<TABLE HEIGHT=40 WIDTH=\"100%\">"
      print "<TR> <TD ALIGN=LEFT WIDTH=\"100%\" BGCOLOR=\"#DDDDDD\">"
      print "<FONT face=\"Arial,Helvetica\" size=+2><B>"
      print "&nbsp;" TITLE
      print "</B></FONT>"
      print "</TD></TR></TABLE><BR>"
  print ""

  # insert additional HTML preface if passed with "-v PREFACE=..."
  if (PREFACE != "") {
      print PREFACE
      print ""

  # start code (use source style)
  print "<BR><BR>"
  print "<TT>"
  print "<SPAN class=\"Source\">"

# BEGIN: handling HTMLPATH
  # handling HTMLPATH option
  if (HTMLPATH != "") {
      # split into array of settings
      HTMLNUM = split (HTMLPATH, HTMLARRAY, ",")
      for (i=1; i<=HTMLNUM; i++) {
          n = split (HTMLARRAY[i], tmp, "=")
          if (n == 1) {
              # global setting
              CODEPATH[i] = ""
              BROWPATH[i] = HTMLARRAY[i]
          else {
              CODEPATH[i] = tmp[1]
              BROWPATH[i] = tmp[2]
          #print "CODEPATH[" i "]: " CODEPATH[i] > "/dev/stderr"
          #print "BROWPATH[" i "]: " BROWPATH[i] > "/dev/stderr"

# print warnings
/\t/ {
    print "WARNING: line " NR " contains a tabulator (please expand first)" \
> "/dev/stderr"
/@/ {
    print "WARNING: line " NR " contains a @ character (converted to space)" \
> "/dev/stderr"

# process each code line
# - note: @ will internally be used as spaces
# thus any @ in the code will get converted to a space
    #process line as "line"
    line = $0

    # replace spaces by @
    gsub (" ","@",line)

    # replace < and > by appropriate statements
    gsub ("<", "\\&lt;", line)
    gsub (">", "\\&gt;", line)

    if (incomment) {
        # we are in a C++ comment
        # if comment ends with */
        # then
        # process anything between leading blanks and */ as comment
        # and leave comment
        # else
        # process anything between leading blanks and end of line as comment
        # fi
        if (line ~ /\*\//) {
            line = gensub ("(@*)(.*)\\*/", "\\1" COMBEG "\\2*/" COMEND, "g",line)
            incomment = 0;
        else {
            line = gensub ("(@*)(.*)$","\\1" COMBEG "\\2" COMEND, "g", line)
    else {
        # we are in a C++ comment
        # process anything between // and end of line as comment
        line = gensub ("//(.*)$", COMBEG "//\\1" COMEND, "g",line)
        if (line ~ /\/\*/) {
            # if comment starts with with /* and ends with */
            # then
            # process between /* and */ as comment
            # if comment starts with with /* and doesn't end end with */
            # then
            # process anything between /* and end of line as comment
            # and turn incomment flag on
            # fi
            if (line ~ /\/\*.*\*\//) {
                line = gensub ("/\\*(.*)\\*/", \
                               COMBEG "/*\\1*/" COMEND, "g",line)
                incomment = 0
            else {
                line = gensub ("/\\*(.*)$", "<Font" COMCOL ">/</FONT>" \
                                                COMBEG "*\\1" COMEND, "g",line)
                incomment = 1

    # replace each @ by explicit space
    gsub ("@","\\&nbsp;",line)

# make #include "foo.hpp" a hyperlink to foo.hpp.html
# - in each line that contains include and a string ending with
# something like .h, .hpp, .cpp, .HPP, or so
# make string contents a hyperlink to string contents with
# .html appended
line ~ /#.*include.*".*[.][cChHpP]*"/ {
    split (line, tokens, "\"")
    line = gensub ("\"([a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9]*[.][cChHpP]*)\"", \
                    "\"<A href=\"\\1.html\">\\1</A>\"", "1", line)
    print "create link to " tokens[2] ".html for header \"" tokens[2] "\"" \
> "/dev/stderr"

# Handlgin HTMLPATH
# make #include <path/foo.hpp> a hyperlink to foo.hpp.html
# in a directory specified in HTMLPATH
line ~ /#.*include.*&lt;.*&gt;/ {
    if (HTMLPATH != "") {
        # extract full file name
        file = substr(line,index(line,"&lt;")+4,\
        #print file > "/dev/stderr"

        # split file name into basename and filename
        n = split (file, tokens, "/")
        basename = ""
        if (n > 1) {
            basename = tokens[1]
            for (i=2; i<n; i++) {
                basename = basename "/" tokens[i]
        filename = tokens[n]
        #print basename > "/dev/stderr"
        #print filename > "/dev/stderr"

        # create browser path for each source path passed as option HTMLPATH
        for (i=1; i<=HTMLNUM; i++) {
            if (CODEPATH[i] == basename) {
                line = gensub ("&lt;(.*)&gt;", \
                               "\\&lt;<A href=\"" BROWPATH[i] \
                               "/"filename".html\">\\1</A>\\&gt;", "1", line)
                print "create link to " BROWPATH[i]"/"filename".html" \
                      " for header <" file ">" > "/dev/stderr"
                #print line > "/dev/stderr"

# end of line processing, so print it
    print line "<BR>"

# final HTML output
  print "</SPAN>"
  print "</TT>"
  print "</BODY>"
  print "</HTML>"

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