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From: Reggie Seagraves (reggie_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-01-18 18:24:24

Ladies and Germs,
        The following doesn't seem to work with the latest
MW Codewarrior tools.....
        Is this a known problem, unknown problem, or, am I smokin' crack?

#include <boost/array.hpp>

static void test_boost() {
        static int r[] = { 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 } ;
        cout << *(boost::begin(r)) << flush;

Error : function call 'begin(int *)' does not match
'boost::begin(T0 &)'
'boost::begin(T0[{targ_expr}] &)' // seems to me it should
match this!!!
CoreTest.cp line 419 cout << *(boost::begin(r)) << flush;

My theory, (ahem), is this.....
MW Codewarrior compiler is losing the 'arrayness' of 'r' as SOON as
you pass it as a function parameter (without matching the function
template parameters first).

        Thanks ahead of time,

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