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From: Daniel Berlin (dan_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-05-25 20:57:58

I looked at it, and I tried converting a few small pieces from CXX 4.2 (From
sourceforge, Python-C++ connection) to your library, and yours is just much
harder to use. Then again, I use CXX extensively inside our app (a
Development environment) to expose pieces to python, so maybe i'm just
biased having used it more.

> For a first look at my python interfacing system, see the py_cpp folder in
> the boost "Files" area on There's still a lot to do (both for
> cleanup and completeness), but this should give you the idea. See the
> extclass_demo.h/cpp files for C++ usage examples, and for
> the python side. I know it doesn't conform to boost guidelines (e.g. it's
> not in namespace boost), but I want to gauge interest again
> before I decide
> to host it here permanently. Please do give me feedback!
> Thanks,
> Dave

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