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From: Dave Abrahams (abrahams_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-06-01 06:27:58

on 6/1/00 7:18 AM, Mark Rodgers at mark.rodgers_at_[hidden] wrote:

> What I don't really want to do, is pay the price of having other users'
> non-conformant implementations affect the readability of the code I write
> and use.

I really agree, but it's a balancing act I think. A boost library may only
be as valuable as the number of people that adopt it. If you don't provide a
*way* to use it with a compiler that doesn't support, say PARTIAL
SPECIALIZATION (this (*&#@@#~! means you, Micro*&$#!), it may not see lots
of action. So, while I hate bending over backwards to achieve portability,
some amount of flexibility may be important.


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