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From: Dave Abrahams (abrahams_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-06-08 12:21:47

--- In boost_at_[hidden], "Dave Abrahams" <abrahams_at_m...> wrote:
> How often have you written an aggregate class from which you needed
> to use all or some data members to form a sort key for a standard
> container or algorithm? Happens to me all the time. As such, I
> propose the following suite of template functions as an addition to
> utility.hpp (please, someone, suggest a better name!)

That'll teach me to post before testing; my code doesn't work. I
still think it would be good to find a way to address this problem,
but I am less convinced I have the right way, even after I fix the
bugs. Ultimately, one doesn't want a family of template functions,
but of classes (so that they can be used in the standard associative
containers). Also, it would be good to be able to specify the
comparison criterion for each sub-comonent.


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