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From: scleary_at_[hidden]
Date: 2000-08-08 10:26:56

OK. It's time for my 2 bits. . .

> As for my comment... you state a lofty goal here, namely to achieve
> thread safety internally and implicitly within an object. We've been
> striving for some way to do this for years, and no one's yet found
> the answer here.

Agreed. My perspective on this issue is a library component writer who
strives for non-suprising yet efficient code. As such, if I were to write a
container class, say a singly-linked list (sllist), then I would *not* want
to synchronize all access to any object of that class. To do so would
disrupt my efficiency guideline. However, any globally-shared data
(possibly referenced through the Allocator) should by synchronized, in order
to keep the "non-suprising" guideline.

Again, coming from the library component writing perspective, there are
three possible threading models:
  Single - no thread sync support at all. All calls to the library must be
sync'ed by the user
  Apartment - each object can be used by one thread at a time without extra
sync'ing. This requires the user to sync access to shared objects, and
requires the library to sync access to hidden shared objects in the
  Free - any object can be used in any way by any thread at any time. The
user never has to sync.

I am not sure if "Free" is even possible in C++. It certainly would not be
efficient. That's why I prefer Apartment.

> The current "common" interfaces such as pthreads (I also dislike the
> fact that you put such emphasis on this library in the paper, but
> that's my own bias) all suffer from the fact that they are C based
> interfaces. They don't fit well with classes, objects and generic
> coding practices.

IMO, pthreads is a good example of object-oriented C. Object = data +
related functions -> pthread_mutex_t + pthread_mutex_init,
pthread_mutex_destroy, pthread_mutex_lock, ...

In fact, the related functions map so well to member functions that a
wrapper class can be written almost without thought (error checking
ommitted, but can be easily added):
  class mutex {
      pthread_mutex_t me;
      mutex(const mutex &);
      void operator=(const mutex &);
      mutex() { pthread_mutex_init(&me, 0); }
      ~mutex() { pthread_mutex_destroy(&me); }
      void lock() { pthread_mutex_lock(&me); }
      void unlock() { pthread_mutex_unlock(&me); }
      bool trylock() { return !pthread_mutex_trylock(&me); }


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