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From: David Abrahams (abrahams_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-09-13 16:18:12

----- Original Message -----
From: "William Kempf" <sirwillard_at_[hidden]>

> Why is this derived from pair?

I quote from my original posting: "which I derived from std::pair for some
compatibility with existing uses of pair as a range"

>You aren't using it polymorphically
> (and in fact it has a hole in the design since the destructor isn't
> virtual).

Yes, that's intentional. It's up to y'all to say whether it's worth it.
Maybe it's not.

>I also don't understand how this really buys you much,
> beyond limiting the template parameters to a single type, which
> doesn't matter much if you use the make_pair helper function.

See my other post; that should explain it (I hope).


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