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From: David Abrahams (abrahams_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-10-23 16:20:03

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Evans" <mark.evans_at_[hidden]>

> David,
> My manager has asked me to complete the auto-gen concept. I think py_cpp
> the way for us to go. Auto-gen means the following chain of events, all
> happening in the same Python shell session:
> - Python writes C/C++ according to some algorithms of our own
> - C/C++ code is compiled and linked as Python extension
> - Extension is imported into Python on the fly
> - Extension code is run from Python

Sounds pretty ambitious! Let me know how it works out.

> Could you tell me what is the minimal set of boost files that will make
> py_cpp work. There is really no clear indication in your documentation
> about this dependency situation.

This is an issue we are interested in resolving, and in fact we discussed it
extensively here in Toronto at the boost meeting. Unfortunately, I don't
have a solution for you at this time, but you can probably find the answer
by preprocessing the example code and grepping for "boost/".

> As well, any issues you foresee with the
> auto-gen concept and py_cpp.

I forsee no py_cpp specific problems (but potentially many others ;->).


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