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From: Jeremy Siek (jsiek_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-10-23 21:18:46

This imaginary number stuff is cool, almost wrote such a class this
summer when I was at Berkeley and read a paper by Kahan that mentions
the C9X extension. I'm glad to see someone pick this up!



On Mon, 23 Oct 2000, Daryle Walker wrote:

> - Imaginary numbers. They complement the standard complex numbers. I read
> some stuff on the Internet from mathematicians stating that keeping results
> as pure reals or pure imaginaries as long as possible is better than merging
> them together as complex numbers for the whole calculation. Separation
> keeps mismatched magnitudes of reals and imaginaries from corrupting each
> other in certain operations. The class also honors the imaginary number
> stuff introduced in C-1999. The (template) class has the same interface as
> std::complex.

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