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From: Gary Powell (Gary.Powell_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-11-16 15:58:16

> If you interchange the data "seamlessly", but the source and
> destination machines don't treat it the same way, it's not of much use, is
> it?
In a game its not critical that the result is the same, only that I decide
who is going to arbitrate the result. If I "shoot" at you on my machine and
hit, does it really matter if on your machine you were missed? In games,
close enough is good enough, if it still plays well. If you "die" from an
attack on an unseen assailant its ok.

On the other hand, if I disregard the flight control requests of two of the
5 computers I might as well not have bothered to install two different
CPU's. It depends on your need. Thus my request that it be compile time
dependent. (I also don't mind complexity in the library source if the usage
is simpler.)



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