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From: Daniel Frey (d.frey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-11-21 11:20:43

--- In boost_at_[hidden], Kevlin Henney <kevlin_at_c...> wrote:
> In message <8vdd7u+5ti9_at_e...>, Daniel Frey <d.frey_at_g...> writes
> >And for the safety and ease of use I'm willing to pay a price. But
> >I was wondering if we could speed it up without any drawbacks. I
> >was thinking of makeing the stream static, so that initialization
> >costs can be reduced, you just have to reset it before calling it.
> >But this would be a problem for multi-threading and it creates
> >long-time objects which I personally don't like very much. But
> >maybe you (or someone else) have a better idea...
> This was considered, but there are general re-entrancy issues as
> well as threading issues, eg when an implementation of a stream
> operator itself uses lexical_cast.

I see. The basic lexical_cast should be clean and easy and I don't
like making it too complex. Also, I'd like to see lexical_cast in the
public release of the boost library rather sooner than later and I
definitely don't want to be the one who defers the release. Speed
could be added later - but the functionality is IMHO more important
now. Please don't care too much about my performance problem... there
are a lot of things I can do to speed up my program that do not depend
on the implementation of lexical_cast.

Regards, Daniel

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