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From: David Abrahams (abrahams_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-12-07 19:14:21

----- Original Message -----
From: <rwgk_at_[hidden]>

> > OK, we should definitely explore this for the release following the
> one Beman is
> > going to do this weekend. We can begin (on a branch of course) as
> soon as you
> > like.
> I have a hard time following your discussion. More precisely,
> I am lost.
> Will what you are going to "explore" adress my original problem?

Well, what we were specifically discussing in that message is not quite
aimed at your problem.
Now that we've discussed it a bit, I think the following may be adequate to
solve it:

1. Make sure a declaration of class_wrapper<T> is visible wherever you are
wrapping a function which returns T or accepts T as a parameter. One way to
do this is by declaring a subclass which you don't neccessarily use:

struct Xclass : boost::python::class_wrapper<X> { Xclass(); };

2. Dynamically link your interdependent modules to one another.

If there is a better approach, I hope we'll discover it during our

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