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From: Beman Dawes (beman_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-12-12 15:47:44

At 11:47 AM 12/12/2000 -0800, Gary Powell wrote:

>> The top-level boost directory contains a _single header_ for each
>> library, which provides all the declarations necessary to use that
>> library:
>> #include <boost/threads.h>
>> #include <boost/regex.h>
>I much rather have this format
>#include "boost/graph/point.h"
>for large libraries.

Wasn't the point of Lois' suggestion that you could write either:

    #include <boost/graph/point.hpp> // splitters can write this

    #include <boost/graph.hpp> // lumpers can write this

In other words, you get to view the headers for larger libraries whichever
way you prefer. We don't dictate to the user which view they choose.

I'm also wondering if namespaces should follow a similar rule. That would
mean a large library like graph should be in namespace boost::graph.

Similar header and namespace policies might also apply to domain specific
libraries, even if they were small. For example, we might have a
<boost/numeric> subdirectory with numerics domain headers in it, with
larger numerics libraries accessible in lower-level directories.



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