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From: Howard Hinnant (hinnant_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-02-28 09:45:20

Moore, Paul wrote on 2/28/01 5:24 AM
>I have to admit that I still don't see the point of the resizing versions -
>if you want something that allows you to add entries indefinitely, why not
>use one of the existing library classes (say, deque)? As far as I can see,
>the ONLY POINT to circularity is the overwriting property (for all sorts of
>MRU-type lists).

The resizing circular buffer can have an overhead of between 25% to 50%
of deque. The code size and complexity is similarly reduced (faster and
smaller). In many ways, the resizing circular buffer is a better deque
than deque, though it does lack the guarantee of stable pointers and
references during push_back/push_front.

But it appears to not be of widespread enough interest to justify
submission into boost.


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