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From: Matthew Austern (austern_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-03-12 14:48:25

Ronald Garcia wrote:
> XML shows promise in that it handles issues of parsing structure while
> allowing the output to be formatted in many ways (HTML, latex, etc).
> The problem wrt C++ is that it doesn't play well with c++ code that
> contains angle brackets, etc. Of course, this could be easily
> surmounted with a small transformation on XML syntax as Jeremy
> suggested, followed by a run through an XML toolset.

I did something like that for the SGI SGL documentation, and it was
a nuisance. I don't want to do it again.

There's a lot to say for using real XML, instead of almost-XML.
Almost-XML means that you have to use custom tools whenever
you're dealing with the unpreprocessed source, and building in
a reliance with custom tools is a bad idea. It means, for
example, that you can't use an XML-aware source editor.

It's a pity that XML copes so badly with < and >. (SGML is better
in this respect.) Using CDATA sections may help somewhat, though.


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