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From: Prabhu Ramachandran (prabhu_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-03-17 00:45:02


>>>>> "Jeremy" == Jeremy Siek <jsiek_at_[hidden]> writes:

    Jeremy> I'd challenge those interested in boost numerics libraries
    Jeremy> to come forward with concrete lists of problems and
    Jeremy> algorithms for a particular domain. With those in hand
    Jeremy> we'll be able to determine scope and priority for various
    Jeremy> peices, and it will provide a firmer ground for discussing
    Jeremy> interface and implementation issues.

    Jeremy> Personally, I'll contribute to the list of algorithms for
    Jeremy> the traditionally linear algebra domain.

I think iterative solution procedures should also be available. Maybe
something like ITL? I havent taken a serious look at ITL but I guess
you will know what I mean. Personally, I'd be interested in dense
matrices and a means to solve it iteratively. SVD of dense matrices
are also important.

As someone else mentioned earlier it would be really nice if there was
a Python interface for all this.


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