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From: pinkfloydhomer_at_[hidden]
Date: 2001-03-18 17:43:29

--- In boost_at_y..., Lois Goldthwaite <loisg_at_o...> wrote:
> If the table doesn't need to grow in use, what about
> std::bitset<size_t>? If it does need to grow, then
std::vector<bool> is
> intended to serve this purpose, though some people have reservations
> about vector<bool>. However, so long as the table is small enough
to fit
> into cache, it's probably quite acceptable for this problem.

The table in my case is _much_ larger than the cache. As large as
practically possible in fact. 128 MB and 256 MB tables in this domain
isn't unusual.

The problem with bitset and vector<bool> is that I can't store an int
or a float directly. I have to manage myself, how many bits I have to
use, and convert it accordingly, with all the possible bugs that will

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