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From: Steven Kirk (steven.kirk_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-03-19 05:58:18

> Thanks Jeremy, I've updated from the CVS, though this seems to have
> introduced more problems:
I should point out that the errors described in my last message were the
ones I was getting after including "cv_if.hpp". The code plain from the CVS
gives me the following:

[C++ Error] named_template_params.hpp(106): E2139 Declaration missing ;
[C++ Error] named_template_params.hpp(108): E2090 Qualifier 'IsNamedParam'
is not a class or namespace name
[C++ Error] named_template_params.hpp(108): E2090 Qualifier 'IsNamedParam'
is not a class or namespace name
[C++ Error] named_template_params.hpp(108): E2090 Qualifier 'IsNamedParam'
is not a class or namespace name
[C++ Error] named_template_params.hpp(108): E2090 Qualifier 'IsNamedParam'
is not a class or namespace name
[C++ Fatal Error] settingvalue.h(39): F1004 Internal compiler error at
0x12888b8 with base 0x1200000

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