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From: Jesse Jones (jejones_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-03-20 19:14:59

>Gary Powell wrote:
>> The problem isn't that there weren't enough handles when you
>> tested this bit of code, there were. Its that some maintainer
>> added some bad code (that doesn't release a handle), and this
>> bit didn't get tested hard enough, Now under some conditions,
>> there won't be enough handles. So user's now get to see you
>> crash and burn.
>I think you are missing the point. User won't see anything except that
>copy-and-paste won't work. 'VERIFY' skips the test in release mode.

Right, in this case copy silently fails. But silent failure is not a good
option. It's far better to make it very clear to the user that there was a
problem using an alert dialog for example.

  -- Jesse

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