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From: Jesse Jones (jesjones_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-05-04 07:50:18

> > Sure, but most people will use member function pointers very heavily.
>> It doesn't seem reasonable to require them to drag in binders for
>> such a common operation...
>button.onClick = function<void>(this, &CApp::DoAbout);
>button.onClick = bind(this, &CApp::DoAbout);
>handler->RegisterCommand(kAboutCmd, function<void>(this, &CApp::DoAbout));
>handler->RegisterCommand(kAboutCmd, bind(this, &CApp::DoAbout));

Good point. If binding member functions is that clean I don't have a
real problem with it.

>[Don't CC me, please. :-)]

Sorry, Eudora doesn't handle replying to mailing list traffic very well...

   -- Jesse

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