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From: Mayo (g17mayo_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-06-06 16:31:41


I am developing an application that monitors net traffic and decodes
messages into readable text format.

The application needs to have a facility that can match individual
fields in the text form of the messages, in order to troubleshoot
problems in the system more easily. So I chose to use Dr. Maddock's
regex++ cause it seems to be easy to use and also offers a fast
matching algorithm something that is critical to what I am developing.

The problem I am facing is that although I use regex_match()
similarly with the example in the documantation, it seems that
regex_match() returns always false.

I use regex_match as follows:


/**> Code
 ** Usage of regex_match()
using namespace boost

regex match_ex("fieldX = Y");

bool MatchCheck( const::std string *message )

    if( regex_match(message.begin(), message.end(), what, match_ex,
        //do something
        //and return true
       //do something else
       //and return false


variable message is a buffer that holds the decoded message which is
in a following format.

     field1 = 1
     field2 = 2
     field3 = 3
     fieldn = n

I really can figure out why that always returns false there is
definately something I am missing. Unfortunately I am not very
familiar neither with regex++ nor with the GNU regular expression
library so I am a bit stuck.

I would greately appreciate any kind of help and pointers that can
help me identify the nature of the problem.


George P.

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