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From: Iain.Hanson_at_[hidden]
Date: 2001-06-14 05:37:32

     There is documentation for Boost Libraries, but not for all of the
     work in progress. Some of the work in 'files' consists of just a zip
     file which you have to download and open to see if there is any
     It would also be nice if there was a web page that should the status
     of work. I.e. what was under review, obsolete, being worked on etc.

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Subject: Re: [boost] Re: Documentation
Author: williamkempf (williamkempf_at_[hidden]) at unix,mime
Date: 13/06/01 23:22

--- In boost_at_y..., John Max Skaller <skaller_at_o...> wrote:
> I've been wondering what various boost components exist,
> what they do, and what their specs are.
> I don't want to download things and troll through the
> source files looking for documentation files, or,
> worse, comments in code just to see if I'm interested.
> Can we require a change in format, so that all
> accepted boost packages must come with an HTML web,
> which can be linked into a master index?
> So I can just browse the boost library with a web browser?
This is already the case. Check out All of the Boost web site
is also included in the Boost distribution, so you can view it off
line as well. Or did I totally miss what you meant here?
Bill Kempf
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