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From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-06-29 09:34:35

At 09:15 AM 6/29/2001, williamkempf_at_[hidden] wrote:

>.. There's a
>third design which I think solves most of the problems and leaves us
>with a design that I think is pretty consistent with C++ design.
>class thread : noncopyable
> // Constructs a thread object for the currently running
> // thread of execution. A form of the self() method
> // that I thought would be needed and would make Design 1
> // impossible.
> thread();
> // Constructs a thread object for a new thread of execution
> // that runs threadproc().
> thread(boost::function0<void> threadproc);
> // Cleans up any appropriate state information.
> ~thread();
> // Checks for equality between thread objects.
> bool operator==(const thread& other) const;
> bool operator!=(const thread& other) const;
> // Polls to see if the thread is still running.
> bool is_alive() const;
> // Blocks until the thread is no longer running.
> void join();
> // Causes the current thread of execution to block
> // for a period of time.
> static void sleep(const xtime& xt);
> // Relinquishes a thread's current time slice on
> // preemptive implementations and allows another
> // thread to run on non-preemptive implementations.
> static void yield();
>This design appears to be an easier design to implement, is more in
>line with other C++ designs and doesn't suffer from some of the
>problems pointed out about the other two designs. The only thing I
>see as possibly wrong is that there's not exactly a one-to-one
>relationship between the class and the thread of execution. In other
>words there can be multiple thread objects for a single thread of
>execution. I don't think this is wrong as far as the design is
>concerned, but it does lead back to a question about the name.
>Personally, I find calling this class design a "thread" is less
>confusing than the original since you can't directly copy thread
>objects, but technically it's still suffering from the same problem
>as Beman originally pointed out. Thoughts?

I think I must have lost the thread (of discussion):)

I see how the above addresses issues I was worried about, but not how it
addresses the usages like "create a bunch of threads in a loop and transfer
ownership elsewhere" you and others said were so common.

You, Greg, Peter, and others have done a pretty good job of convincing me
that the namespace thread containing a ref counted class was so useful and
so met the special lifetime requirements of threads of execution that it
should be adopted.


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