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From: Xavier Warin (xavier.warin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-07-30 06:55:32


I have the following problem with Code Warrior. I use a Beta version
and simple examples given on the web site are OK.
I want to add a PyObject * method to deal with special Blitz Array
(mathematical libray).
I use the following very simple code that compiles with KCC.

 // includes
#include <blitz/array.h>
#include <boost/python/class_builder.hpp>

//Convert a Blitz Array to Python Object
namespace boost { namespace python {
PyObject* to_python(const blitz::Array<double,1> & hkl)
 PyObject * toto ;
 return toto;

blitz::Array<double,1> prix_europ_MC_call(double strike ){
 blitz::Array<double,1> toto(1);
 return toto ;}

extern "C"
void inittest()

    // Create an object representing this extension module.
    boost::python::module_builder this_module("test");
    boost::python::handle_exception(); // Deal with the exception for

I get link error :
Link Error : Undefined symbol: __imp__PyExc_ValueError in
   boost_release.lib (conversions.obj)

Link Error : Undefined symbol: __imp__PyErr_SetString in
   boost_release.lib (conversions.obj)
   boost_release.lib (extension_class.obj)

Is there a mistake or is it a CW bug ??
Thank you

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