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From: Ed Brey (edbrey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-09-10 15:54:09

From: "Beman Dawes" <bdawes_at_[hidden]>

> STLport 4.5 was released Saturday. See
> Has anyone tried it with the Boost libraries yet?

I've been using the STLport beta for a couple of weeks on our project at work, which makes use of some of boost, without any problem. I just switched to the full version and initial results look good. Also, I just ran the boost regression test, using the release version, and the results look OK, although I don't remember well what tests normally pass. One caveat is that when I tried to build with Jam, several errors were reported, which I don't have time to look into, so I can't be sure that all libraries were truly available to be tested.

Attached is the regression test results. It applies to STLport 4.5 final, even though it says 4.0. A nice feature would be for the test to pick up the version number of each platform programmatically from appropriate macro and display it in the header.

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