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From: Eric Ford (eford_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-09-11 16:16:44

> > BTW- Does anyone see a need for a user to provide an error
> > that has non-static members?
> If error handlers may only have static members, that means that
> any data the error handler is accessing must have "global" lifetime.
> If you wish to pass e.g. an ostream& to log the problem, you can
> only do so in a global variable.
> Not nice from a software engineering point of view.
> However, the question is how much uglier the code gets with
> stateful error handler objects.

Good point. It can make some parts uglier, but I think that provides
an example that justifies a little more complication.
Since the classes to check for calculation accuracey and domain errors
will need to be stateful anyway, I don't think it's likely to
significantly impact the degree of optimizbility.


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