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From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-09-24 12:43:22

At 12:13 PM 9/24/2001, Jim.Hyslop wrote:

>Just out of curiosity, why was the name "Boost" chosen?

Herb Sutter had been working on a spoof proposal for a new language named
Booze, which was supposed to be better than Java.

Robert Klarer mentioned that in Sofia Antipolis, France, when we were
fantasizing about a new library effort, and somehow that kicked off the
idea of "Boost" as a name. We'd probably had a couple of glasses of good
French wine at that point. It was just a working name, but no one ever
came up with a replacement.

>Is it because it
>gives programmers a boost in productivity?

Let's hope so!


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