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From: Mike Ensor (MikeEnsor_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-10-02 19:45:01

How can I switch a PyObject* in C into a void* varible? Is that possible?
if not, can I convert it into a char*? I am trying to get a "Buffer" object
in python and convert it into a void* type. I have no problem telling how
long it is, and extracting elements out of the "Buffer", but it returns
PyObject*'s out of the function call. I can print them out, but that does
nothing for me.

void ListAddEntry_Binary(e5_List&l, PyObject* pyObjRef)
  int size = PySequence_Size(pyObjRef);
    std::cout << "PyObject is not a Buffer Object" << std::endl;
  for(int i=0; i< size; i++)
    std::cout << PySequence_GetItem(pyObjRef, i) << std::endl;

that is the code I am currently working with.

Thank you,
Mike Ensor

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