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From: Bruno.Voigt_at_[hidden]
Date: 2001-10-04 11:24:15

Hi all,
I get the following error trying to build the regex lib:
Or are there any updated instructions to build just the regex lib?
With best regards,

$ CC -V
CC: Sun WorkShop 6 update 2 C++ 5.3 2001/05/15

$ make -f sunpro.mak

mkdir -p sunpro
mkdir -p sunpro/libboost_regex
CC -c -O2 -I../../../ -o sunpro/libboost_regex/c_regex_traits.o ../src/c_regex_traits.cpp
"../src/c_regex_traits.cpp", line 674: Warning: i hides boost::c_regex_traits<char>::i.
1 Warning(s) detected.
CC -c -O2 -I../../../ -o sunpro/libboost_regex/c_regex_traits_common.o ../src/c_regex_traits_common.cpp
CC -c -O2 -I../../../ -o sunpro/libboost_regex/cpp_regex_traits.o ../src/cpp_regex_traits.cpp
"/opt/SUNWspro/WS6U2/include/CC/Cstd/rw/locimpl", line 451: Error: Cannot return const std::messages<char>* from a function that should return
"/opt/SUNWspro/WS6U2/include/CC/Cstd/rw/locimpl", line 453: Error: Cannot return const std::messages<char>* from a function that should return
"/opt/SUNWspro/WS6U2/include/CC/Cstd/rw/locimpl", line 455: Error: Cannot return const std::messages<char>* from a function that should return
3 Error(s) detected.
make: *** [sunpro/libboost_regex/cpp_regex_traits.o] Error 3

Bruno.Voigt_at_[hidden]  # IC3S AG # Tel. +49.4106.655.105 # Fax. +49.4109.555.550   # Mobile +49.700.686.00.686

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