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From: Jens Maurer (Jens.Maurer_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-10-04 14:43:28

Beman Dawes wrote:
> Jens' version passes for Borland, Comeau, Intel, Metrowerks, and Microsoft
> compilers. Fails with internal compiler error on GCC 2.95.2.

With my version, I avoid core issue 115 by explicitly providing
a target function type.

g++ 2.95.2 (and g++2.95.3 for that matter) exhibit a bug there.

No, I'm against changing the interface to a function object. Boost
avoided to adapt interfaces to broken compilers, which is good.
Btw, this also has caused quite a lot of pressure on compiler
vendors to fix their compilers.

Jens Maurer

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