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From: Petr Ovchenkov (ptr_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-10-08 09:40:01

>>>>> "SN" == Siemel Naran <SiemelNaran_at_[hidden]> writes:

 SN> Hello. Is there interest in a 2d matrix class? I didn't find
 SN> one on boost. Wrote two last year. First is matrix<T> and does
 SN> not support row/column swapping (though you can always swap
 SN> individual elements). The second is matrix_swap<T>.

 SN> I implement both in terms of my own class array<T> which is
 SN> almost like std::vector. My array<T> full definition is template
 SN> <class T, template <class> class Allocator = allocator>; and this
 SN> might cause problems. There are other minor issues.

Performance is a corner stone for such classes. I hope, that goals
of Blitz++ ( has relation to
this topic and will be useful in discussion.

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