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From: Mat Marcus (mmarcus_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-10-11 06:10:36

Hi all,

I would be interested to hear from anyone familiar with the issues in
porting metaprogramming libraries to VC nowadays, for example the
Lambda Library. Partial specialization workarounds have become a
hobby of mine. I recently came up with a new category of
metafunctions resembling those in boost::type_traits. For example I
believe we can now write: is_pointer_to_same, is_pointer_to_POD, or
even the monstrous is_vector_of_pointer _to_list_of_POD on broken
compilers. In some cases these can help circumvent the lack of a
functioning std::iterator_traits. If there is sufficient interest I
have an OOPSLA '01 workshop paper on this topic that I could post.

Got a hammer, looking for a nail


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