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From: Petr Ovchenkov (ptr_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-10-12 01:07:19

>>>>> "GR" == Gennadiy E Rozental <rogeeff_at_[hidden]> writes:

 GR> --- In boost_at_y..., satya_vajja_at_h... wrote:
>> Hello all, Could you please let me know where i can download
>> Tokenizer libraries
>> for Solaris platform? I checked in and could find
>> examples but not src directory. thanks a lot satya

 GR> Be aware that original version does NOT work on Solaris.

It not true. I use tokenizer on Solaris, but with gcc 2.95.3, and not
see problems yet. So, I think, the original problem come from CC 5.x
(or 6.x). Of cause, this is good news that you find workaround.

   - ptr

 GR> version that wokrs. You wont't be ablt to use
 GR> make_token_iterator, but other than that it works. To autors of
 GR> type_traits, iterator_adaptor and tokenizer: I did get basically
 GR> no responce on changes posted to make those libraries works
 GR> latest Sun Forte compiler. Did you have a chance to evaluate
 GR> proposed modifications?

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