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From: John Maddock (John_Maddock_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-10-14 05:47:27

>I did not have a chance to work with update 2 yet, but with update 1
original type traits have a lot of failures. I was able to fix most
of it using Sun "special" partial specialization. That is why I
needed first flag (I will try to lokk what was changed in u.2). Also
as far as I remember U.2 still does not support any expression with
not-type tempalte agruments, that is why we need second flag (Again,
I will try to recheck it with u.2)


P.S. Coukd you please take a look on patches that I posted while ago
on type traits library. I was able to make all type_traits works
(excluding 241 error in transform traits and couple in other places)
There could be something useful.

Yes, I've looked at them, and they are fine, but I don't really want to
spend a lot of time patching for a compiler version that has already been
superceded. Especially as up2 looks so much better...

- John Maddock

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