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From: mats_s11_at_[hidden]
Date: 2001-10-15 08:35:52


I am working in a large project to convert python code to C++,
To save coding time we would like to keep all test programs in
Python code and expose our new C++ classes to python through boost
to be able to run all test cases.

So far we have been very impressed by the functionality and design of
boost but we have ran into two problems:

1. I have written a class in Cpp and exposed it to python,
then I have another function in Cpp that should be called from python
with a python list of Cpp objects of the class that I have exposed

How do I do this?

I can write a function taking a pythonlist as in arguments but I
have not succeeded in extracting the object of my own class from
this list...

2. I have created a class with the "operator==" function in C++
and exposed it to python and this works perfect except for one thing.
when I want to use the python "None" object I get a type error.
how can I deal with the "None" object in C++?

I would be extremely thnakful for any answers or help in any way.

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