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From: AlisdairM (AlisdairM_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-10-18 02:19:44
Is the following also a bug?
#include <boost/smart_ptr.hpp>
class foo
foo( void ) {}
~foo( void ) { /* do something */ }
int main()
foo x = 5;
boost::shared_ptr<fo> px( &x );
This strikes me as an error in user code, as something other than the
scoped_ptr is responsible for the lifetime of the passed pointer.
The original example is the same problem, although better disguised.
-----Original Message-----
From: Darin Adler [mailto:darin_at_[hidden]]
Sent: 18 October 2001 07:18
To: Boost
Subject: Re: [boost] shared_ptr bug?
on 10/17/01 11:07 PM, Fisher; Damien Kaine at dfisher_at_[hidden]
> On Wed, 17 Oct 2001, Greg Colvin wrote:
>> class foo {
>> public:
>> foo(): m_self(this) { std::cout << "foo constructor\n"; }
>> ~foo() { std::cout << "foo destructor\n"; }
>> void suicide() { m_self.reset(0); }
>> private:
>> boost::shared_ptr<foo> m_self;
>> };
> Is m_self(this) legal? You are passing in a pointer to an object which
> has not yet been fully constructed. I am too sure whether that is
> appropriate or not, even though boost::shared_ptr doesn't really "use" the
> pointer.
I'm pretty sure it's legal, but it's beside the point for this example
anyway, since changing the constructor to this leaves us with the same
foo() { m_self.reset(this); std::cout << "foo constructor\n"; }
-- Darin
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