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From: Darin Adler (darin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-10-18 12:12:25

on 10/18/01 10:07 AM, Darin Adler at darin_at_[hidden] wrote:

> k) use of shared_count for implementation -- I don't see any publicly
> exported features in the current version; I think we might want to go the
> other direction and do pool allocation of the count, rather than making the
> reference count object even bigger

I must admit that if we don't plan to do pool allocation for the reference
count, the the bigger shared_count object is virtually free, since a block
containing single long typically consumes about the same amount of memory as
a block containing a long and three pointers.

But I don't like adding the additional layer unless it pays off either by
significantly reducing cut and pasted code between shared_array and
shared_ptr or providing additional features.

    -- Darin

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