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From: jbandela_at_[hidden]
Date: 2001-10-19 19:34:55

I have posted a test version of tokenizer to
in the files section. Here are the pertinent changes with respect to
your posts.

1) A single function object is shared across iterators that belong to
a tokenizer

2)Any non-constant state is externalized for a function object

3)Although token_iterator_base still keeps a current iterator in
order to allow all types to be used with tokenizer, it is possible to
partial specialize token_iterator_base for even more efficiency (ie
token_rep where the current iterator is the end iterator of the token)

When I tested token iterator for size, with std::string and STLPort,
with char_delimiters_separator<char>, The size of the iterator was
20, of which 12 was the string.

Let me know what you think,


John R. Bandela

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