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From: Toon Knapen (toon.knapen_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-10-23 01:08:45
>>It does work but I expected that the content of <library-file> would end
>>up at the end of the link-line instead of at the beginning (since I use
>>it for linking with external libs, I need it at the end ; the content of
>><find-library> does end up at the end)
> Okay; that's an easy thing to fix.
>>Also NEEDLIBS is used twice to workaround circular dependency problems
>>(as you state in the comments). Is this really necessary.
> It certainly can be neccessary.
>>Storing the
>>content of <find-library> in another variable, say FINDLIBRARY and
>>replacing the last of both NEEDLIBS in the link-line with FINDLIBRARY,
>>every still works and it seems like a better solution to me.
> Why? I have no axe to grind about the names (NEEDLIBS was inherited from
> Perforce Jam), but why do you want to change it? Showing me code would also
> help.
It would be a workaround for the first problem (external libs at the end
of the link line). But as these will be added at the end, there's no
need anymore.
>>I guess you
>>did this to workaround some problem but I can't find the discussion in
>>the archive so I might still miss something)
> I didn't need to discuss it here, since it's something I've experienced
> repeatedly using GNU linkers in the past.
The reason I brought it up is that this 'trick' is often used to link
libraries with circular dependencies which is bad style (to circumvent
the left to right symbol resolution scheme for static libraries). So if
the build systems always performs the 'trick', programmers are not going
to try to avoid circular dependencies.
But I guess you've experienced problems using dynamic libraries ?
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