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From: Jens Maurer (Jens.Maurer_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-10-24 15:05:36

The current setup of the config system is such that
suffix.hpp includes posix_features.hpp. This has the
drawback that the platform configuration cannot alter
the definitions from posix_features.hpp. Some platforms
might claim to support POSIX and may have the relevant
macros defined, but problems with the actual implementation
may mandate to disable boost's use of some features.

I think that posix_features.hpp as a platform config
header is about the same than what common_edg.hpp is as
a compiler config header.

I suggest:
 - Move posix_features.hpp to the platform directory.
 - Make individual platform configuration files include
posix_features.hpp, if they wish to do so.
 - Remove inclusion of posix_features.hpp from suffix.hpp.


Jens Maurer

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