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From: Jens Maurer (Jens.Maurer_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-10-28 02:32:57

Peter Dimov wrote:
> The problem is not whether the set of associated namespaces contains
> 'boost'; the problem is whether an expression of the form
> template-id ( expression-list opt )
> will invoke Koenig lookup.
> 3.4.2 says: "when an unqualified name is used as the posfix-expression in a
> function call (5.2.2)...". 5.2.2 doesn't tell us anything useful, but 5.1/11
> has this to say: "A template-id shall be used as an unqualified-id only as
> specified in 14.7.2, 14.7, and 14.5.4.)

The quoted sentence in 5.1/11 has been removed in core issue 122.
The issue was voted to "DR" status in the Redmond meeting of the ISO C++
standardization committee, thereby scheduled to be introduced in an
upcoming Technical Corrigendum (TC) for ISO 14882 (the ISO C++ standard)
(it won't be in the first TC, though).

> So I believe that Comeau is right. It usually is. :-)

Whatever Comeau does, I believe it should invoke Koenig lookup
for code like this:


Jens Maurer

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